Our Response to Oct 3 NDIS Legislation Changes
There’s been some confusion following the recent introduction of the legislation changes effective from the 3rd of October, 2024. In particular, you can now read the revised NDIS guidelines on what does and does not get funded.
As a trusted NDIS-registered provider, we’d like to clarify the facts and reassure you that Thing Adventures remains fully compliant, delivering high-quality services you can rely on.
Clarifying NDIS Regulations
It’s important to understand that not all restrictions in NDIS guidelines apply uniformly across services. For example, while the recent communication on unsupported items mentions that food cannot be claimed separately, it is an essential part of Short Term Accommodation (STA) packages. Similarly, accommodation is included under STA but is not claimable under standard supports. This distinction helps clear up confusion where participants and carers may have misunderstood a prohibition in one area as applying across the board—which is not the case.
Nature Activities vs. Wilderness Therapy
Wilderness therapy is not offered or endorsed by Thing Adventures. It is a restrictive practice with no academic foundation and is rightly not supported by the NDIS. Furthermore, it has been mired in controversy, with reports of abuse, deaths, and a lack of research into its effectiveness. Our services are entirely different.
At Thing Adventures, our respite experiences take place in beautiful, nature-rich environments like Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island), but this does not equate to wilderness therapy. Instead, we offer peaceful, engaging activities designed to help participants relax, build new skills, and enjoy Australia’s natural beauty—all fully aligned with NDIS guidelines and focused on enhancing participants' wellbeing.
It would be absurd to think that the NDIS intends to ban outdoor activities like walking in the park, going to the beach, or enjoying a nice view. These activities, core to the accessible and enriching experiences we and countless other service providers offer, are fundamental to our mission of helping participants explore and thrive in outdoor and natural environments.
The Importance of Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (including the provision of respite care)
STA remains a vital, claimable support under the NDIS due to its critical role in providing respite for both participants and carers. STA is designed to offer 24/7 care in a safe, supportive environment. However, some participants have been spending STA budgets on non-compliant services from providers that have not undergone rigorous compliance checks, insurance protocols, or proper staffing governance. This goes against the true intent of STA/respite.
At Thing Adventures, we are proud to be a registered "0136 Group and Centre Based Activities" provider, ensuring that participants receive immense benefits by engaging with audited, certified registered providers like us.
Our Commitment to Compliance and Care
We fully support the NDIS's efforts to ensure that STA funds are used appropriately. Our STA services are 100% compliant with NDIS regulations, and our audits confirm that the activities and services we provide meet the highest standards. We offer STA in group residences/homes with all the necessary support, safety, and care that participants deserve.
More Than Just a STA/Respite Service Provider
Thing Adventures is a registered and certified NDIS service provider across the following categories: Assist-Personal Activities (0107), Assist-Travel/Transport (0108), Development-Life Skills (0117), Participate Community (0125), and Group/Centre Activities (0136). We are more than just an outdoor and nature-based service provider—we are here to help our participants achieve their goals using every tool at our disposal.